Dear 2020,

Dear 2020, Can we please get to the good part? We are tired. Once again you have forced the world to grieve and we are tired. Recession and racism are at an all-time high. We are tired. At the same time disease and natural disasters are taking over the world. We are tired. In less […]


My Hope Is Essential

The word essential has been embedded in the world’s vocabulary over the past 2-3 months. It has been used mainly to describe which occupations are absolutely necessary during this time of a deadly pandemic. These jobs must be of vital importance to the wellbeing or upkeep of the most critical needs of society. Everything that […]


Hope Looks Like a Celebration

Today makes 4 months of my grief journey with hope. This month is particularly special in the journey because June is Kayla’s birthday month. On June 25 she will have her first heavenly birthday and I am determined to not be miserable. When saying that my mind immediately goes back to a conversation I had […]


Happy Easter

I’ve got good news: God knows this pain you feel! It’s my first Easter without seeing my best friend in her yellow dress for Easter or taking our annual Easter pictures.   In spite of sadness, my hope is in the fact that God knows this pain I feel.  I’ve only experienced a tenth of […]